L’Éveil Printanier : La Renaissance Naturelle
Contents1 À la Croisée des Saisons : Les Murmures du Printemps Naissant2 L’Intelligence Corporelle : Le Foie, Chef d’Orchestre de la Transition Saisonnière3 Rituel d’Éveil Printanier du Foie À la Croisée des Saisons : Les Murmures du Printemps Naissant En ・・read more
The Dawn of Spring: Nature’s own New Year
Contents1 Between Seasons: Understanding Nature’s Early Spring Signals2 Body Wisdom: The Role of the Liver in Seasonal Transition3 Spring Liver Awakening Treatment Between Seasons: Understanding Nature’s Early Spring Signals As February unfolds, East Asian traditions recognize a profound moment in ・・read more
Shiatsu for Headache
Headaches are a pervasive health concern, with approximately 4% of adults experiencing them nearly daily. Migraine and tension-type headaches, the most prevalent headache issues, can significantly impair social activities and work capacity. While conventional treatments often rely on pharmacological interventions, ・・read more
Insomnia with traditional Japanese herbal formulas
Most people spend about one-third of their lives asleep. Getting a sufficient amount of good quality sleep is essential for our psychological health and making it possible for us to efficiently conduct our daytime activities. Poor quality sleep has a ・・read more
We now offer traditional Japanese herbal formulas (Kampo medicine)
Traditional Japanese herbal formulas are now available at our practice. The herbal formulas we offer are concentrated extracts of the active ingredients found in traditional medicines. Through a careful process, the formulas are extracted and concentrated into easy to take ・・read more
Shiatsu for Healing Emotions
In the journey of life, we often seek meaning and balance. Traditional Japanese Medicine (TJM) offers a unique perspective on this quest, viewing our body and emotions as a complex, interconnected system. Shiatsu, a healing art rooted in TJM principles, ・・read more
Rolfing Session 10: Endings and New Beginnings – Psoas Major and Longus Colli Muscles
*This article is a translation of one I wrote while I was practicing in Japan. I would like to report on the progress of Ms. N’s 10th session. Six months had passed since her last visit. Her physical condition was ・・read more
Rolfing Session 9: The Soles of the Feet Support the Body – Addressing Knock Knees
*This article is a translation of one I wrote while I was practicing in Japan. I would like to report on the progress of N’s 9th session. Four months had passed since the previous visit. N reported feeling so good ・・read more
Rolfing Session 8: Recognizing the Old to Understand the New – Movement and Awareness
*This article is a translation of one I wrote while I was practicing in Japan. I would like to report on the progress of N’s 8th session. Having completed the seven sessions from Sleeve to Core, the symptoms that were ・・read more
Rolfing Session 7: Connecting the Core – The Cranium
*This article is a translation of one I wrote while I was practicing in Japan. I would like to report on the progress of N’s Session 7. By Session 5, the balance of the upper body had improved, and ・・read more